…takes us to another place and time.” Even though my husband thought it was a little weird when I said it, I find the lyrics to Kenny Chesney’s song “I Go Back” to be so true.
Last week as I was driving to Shop Rite, I heard the song “The Way You Love Me” by Faith Hill on the radio. Instantly, I was transferred back to 2001 when I was a college freshman. While it’s not one of my all-time favorite songs, I believe it was a favorite of mine at the time. When I got to a red light, I rolled my windows down and enjoyed some fresh air as the notes filtered through the car’s speakers. I found myself remembering so many things about my everyday life 16 years ago. (Was it really 16 years ago?!? How in the world has that much time passed? I guess that’s a story for another day.) Anyway, I remembered the clothes I had, my favorite foods, my Spanish professor who taught more of a contemporary issues class rather than Spanish I, Friday nights watching Pretty Woman (I wasn’t quite the partier at 19). Thinking back on it I smiled, and knowing that it was really 16 years ago, not just 5 like it seems, makes me laugh. I guess the saying is true, the older you get, the faster life goes by!