Like I’ve mentioned before, so much of me and my life growing up is a part of The Other Side of Later. The appreciation Julia has for her mom, Nancy, is no different than what I have for my own. This short excerpt from Chapter 3 is the truth of how lucky I was (and still am) to have the most selfless and loving mom. I couldn’t think of a better day than today to share it.
“Growing up, my mom was always around. Field hockey games, Sunday School, after school pick-up, help with homework, dropping my friends and I off at the movies – it didn’t matter the occasion; there was never a question of whether or not she would be there. She always was. And not that I ever doubted it would change, but with each day that passed, I appreciated it more and more…I understood how much she had to juggle and balance to do it. At 28, I didn’t need her to drive me around town or teach me long division, but there were days I needed her in ways I never would have imagined, and like always, she was there without me even having to ask.”
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms, grandmoms, godmothers, aunts, and friends. While your work is never done and you’re always on call, I hope you get to enjoy a few moments today with the ones you love most!
The Other Side of Later is available on Amazon.