I’m so excited to be a part of the book tour for Aimee Brown’s debut novel, Little Gray Dress! When I read the excerpt a couple months ago, I knew it would be the perfect summer read!

Book Blurb
Emi Harrison has avoided her ex-fiancé, Jack Cabot, for nearly two years. Her twin brother Evan’s wedding is about to end that streak. From bad bridesmaid’s dresses, a hyperactive sister-in- law, a mean girl with even meaner secrets, and too much to drink, nothing seems to go right for Emi, except when she’s wearing her little gray dress. When she speed-walks into Liam Jaxon’s bar, things get more complicated. He’s gorgeous, southern, and has no past with Emi. He may be exactly what she needs to prove for the last time that she doesn’t need or want Jack!
Her favorite little gray dress has made an appearance at nearly every major event in Emi’s adult life. Will it make another when she least expects it?
My Review
Emi Harrison’s world came crashing down around her just days before her wedding when she found her fiance, Jack Cabot in a compromising situation with his assistant. After high-tailing it out of Portland, she managed to steer clear of Jack for two years. That is until her brother’s wedding to Jack’s sister.
While it’s been two years, it’s obvious Emi is still in love with Jack…even if she won’t admit it to herself. As she returns home to Portland, Emi goes on an emotional roller coaster as she sees Jack for the first time since their break-up and is forced to meet his new fiancée. Through the twists and turns of the wedding weekend, truths from two years ago come to light, and Emi begins to see things were not entirely how they seemed.
I truly enjoyed this book. There are charismatic supporting characters that add to the story. Aimee Brown’s wonderful characterization makes everyone feel like an old friend! Make sure you have Little Gray Dress on your summer reading list! It’s available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
About Aimee Brown
Aimee Brown is a writer and avid reader, often blogging her thoughts on chick lit books. Little Gray Dress is her first novel published. She’s currently studying for her Bachelor’s degree in English Writing. She spends much of her time writing her next book, doing homework, raising three teenagers, binge watching shows on Netflix and obsessively cleaning and redecorating her house. She’s fluent in sarcasm and has been known to use far too many swear words.
Aimee grew up in Oregon but is now a transplant living in cold Montana with her husband of twenty years, three teenage children, and many, many pets.
An Interview with Aimee
When I read the excerpt of Little Gray Dress, I wanted to hear more about the inspiration. I was so happy to interview Aimee to hear a little bit more about her and what inspired her to write her debut novel!
When did you first realize you wanted to write a book?
I knew I wanted to write a book about 10 years ago. One day, long ago, while my kids were calm (lol) I for some reason sat down and started writing. I ended up with a story and I was shocked how much fun it was to create.
After that I enrolled in school to earn my English/Creative Writing Bachelor’s Degree and an instructor of a creative writing class loved just about anything I wrote so, I figured maybe I’d found my calling.
It only took 10 years to finally find the story that wanted to surface all the way to the magical words, the end.
Have other authors inspired you to write? If so, who?
SO, many. Obviously, like every other chick lit lover on the planet, I adore anything by; Sophie Kinsella, Meg Cabot, Emily Giffin, Candace Bushnell, Janet Evanovich and right on down the list.
Indie authors are amazing too. There are so many I admire that I’d hate to list them and forget someone!
Where do you like to write? At home? An office? Coffee shops? Somewhere else?
For the most part I write at home. Half of my living room is an office/dining room combined so I write until my heart is content and never feel like I’m missing out on the action of the family.
Once in awhile I’ll head to a coffee shop in an attempt to write. Normally, though, I find myself distracted and more interested in my surroundings and eaves dropping… so, I do most of my writing at home.
Do you have any writing process that you follow? For instance, do you outline your plot first or do you dive in to brainstorming and writing?
I have zero processes. LOL I’m not a big planner when it comes to my own life even though I’m like the organizing queen.
I’m a total panster and I never go into a story with any kind of idea where it might go. Generally, I’ve been getting to know my characters in my head for a few weeks before I’ll sit down to write so they pretty much drive the story. More often than not though I seem to get stuck at a dead end and know that it probably wasn’t the story quite ready to be written yet.
Needless to say, I have a lot of people talking in my head at all times! The challenge is, not talking back when I’m in public.
What was the inspiration behind the story of your debut novel, Little Gray Dress?
I love weddings and fast moving stories. Besides that, there wasn’t much that really pushed Little Gray Dress in to becoming what it is. I wrote it during NaNoWriMo 2016 and pushed myself to write 5000 words a day. I was determined to finally get a book completed. I had too! Time was ticking and I was getting impatient with myself.
When I finally hit the end I was amazed! I’d done it! I’d written an entire story. And even though I wasn’t completely happy with it (it was nothing like it is now) I knew I could work with it and turn it into something great.
How long did it take you to write?
I’m always afraid to answer this question! The first draft took me 10 days. The second draft took me a couple weeks. The third draft, after my beta readers got me their thoughts, only took a couple more weeks. You could say when a story finds me, I’m ready to knock it out quickly. I also have older kids who are completely self sufficient so I have a LOT of time to sit and write. That helps move things quickly.
What is one of your favorite books you’ve read recently?
Oh, gosh. I just finished I Have Never by Camilla Isley. I’ve adored every single one of her books. This latest one is no exception. There is just something about Camilla’s writing that I can’t seem to get enough of!
When you’re not writing, what do you like to do for fun?
Hmmm… well, I own three teenagers, a husband, three cats, three dogs, a tank full of fish and a house that never seems to stay clean. I also homeschool a kid and run a business with my husband, so between all that I don’t have a lot of time to do much more than grocery shop and shower. LOL
I do watch some TV, lay in the sun (bad, I know!), shop, decorate and redecorate my house and walk some of the local parks in the evenings. I’m pretty low key and a total homebody.
Thanks Aimee for taking the time to answer my questions and including me on your blog tour!

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